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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fear of Astrology due to Religious Beliefs

Islam is a variation of both Judaism and Christianity. Judaism gave birth to Christianity and Christianity gave birth to Islam. In fact, prophet Muhammad learned about religion and God from the Nestorian Christians, a sect of Gnostics who practiced Christianity from an esoteric perspective, whom he met with and learned from while on caravan as a merchant trader for his Christian wife, Khadijah. Islam as a religion or faith was born out of Nestorian Christianity and subsequently incorporated as a franchise of the Roman Vatican Church. To this very day, both Islam and Catholicism mean "universal." This is no coincidence! Both Catholicism and Islam acknowledge "Fatima," the alleged daughter of Muhammad. This too is no coincidence! All and every sect of Islam is a subsidiary of the Roman Vatican Church and Catholicism.

Western religious texts are full of astrological implications. The twelve apostles/disciples of Jesus and the twelve tribes of Israel both signify the twelve zodiac signs with Jesus and Jacob both signifying the Sun. We find the prophet Job making mention of such star systems as Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades. Job 9:9 and 9:38
We find in the New Testament the story of the wise men who were looking for Jesus' star in the East. Matthew 2:1-2 This star is known as the "East Star" (Easter) and rises in Orion's belt.
Clearly these star gazers were astrologers. Above we have an open and shut case for astrology in the Bible.
We even find the Islamic Qur'an making mention of the star system Sirius in Holy Qur'an 53:49. Clearly the alleged founders of Western religions' certain prophets acknowledged the various celestial bodies enough to at least make mention of them.

If you ask most people who have an aversion to astrology, they never studied astrology for themselves. Most people do not believe in astrology due to religious programming and belief.  Modern-day aversion to astrology, especially by religious people (Jew, Christian, and Muslim) is due to not understanding Biblical stories origins. Understanding ancient religion origins explains our ignorance, rejection, and fear of astrology which is written in the Universe.
Maxwell shows and with irrefutable evidence, thanks to feminist researcher Barbara G. Walker, author of the Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and History, that the three Western religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have their origins in ancient nature and astrological or celestial bodies worship.

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