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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Birthday SRK

Meine Remix - Remos

Bosporos - Alkinoos Ioannidis

Orpheas Peridis - Metaphisiko (Metaphysics)

Φεγγάρι φέγγε μου να περπατώ στη νύχτα
ούτε και `συ έχεις θεό μήτε πατρίδα
μόνο φωτίζεις
στην ακρόπολη τα παραμιλητά μου προσδιορίζεις

Πονηρέ θεούλη, πατάς εκεί που μας πονάει
και τ’ άλλο πόδι σηκωμένο σ’ ένα τσάμικο
τη φούντα σου τινάζεις
και στην αιώνια ζωή μας κατεβάζεις.....

Friday, November 1, 2013

It’s Scorpio season - What’s unhealed? What still hurts?

Into our lives, Scorpio arrives and shadows of the dark season play tricks on eyes and hearts. The person who cut us off in traffic…the unreturned call…an unwanted reality…a disagreement… becomes charged with emotional intensity that threatens to spin out into a full-scale emotional drama. Why? It’s the season for honestly facing what we do not want to face in our Self. What’s unhealed? What still hurts? Where are we holding onto old hurt? Ancient wounds are being triggered, including that bevy of Scorpionic/Pluto hurts that hold a special place in Hell: abandonment fears, jealousy, resentment, rage, violation, unforgiven-ness and when these are unleashed, hold onto your hats and hearts. No one is safe.
vintage halloweenThe story starts innocently enough, with something like this:the soft animal inside me is hurt. No one is helping, no one understands. I’m lost, alone, and abandoned by those I thought loved me. During Scorpio season (or a Pluto transit), circumstances and people can trigger remembrances of our most hurt times, which awakens the wounded animal inside.  And the animal must be fed. We can choose what to feed it.
Pain is either perpetuated or healed, depending on our response. The animal inside is instinctual. It can believe that the only way it will get heard is if it screams, attacks, blames, harangues and makes other people wrong. Unfortunately, I’m too familiar with being on the receiving end of this pattern – which triggers the animal inside of me, who fears being re-wounded by other people’s unhealed wounds.  Over the years I’ve I’ve used many strategies, from verbally defending myself to forgiveness practices that involve sending unconditional love and understanding for the pain the other is obviously feeling -if I’m able. Sometimes I can only muster a prayer.
Of all, the best strategy for me is to use these painful encounters with another’s animal as an opportunity to acknowledge and love and heal the wounded animal inside me – the one that is hurting, for different reasons, but hurting just as much as they are. I do this through going directly to the source and journaling about the original source of the wound, self-care practices, and talking lovingly to myself about how good I’m doing and reminding myself of all the empowering, positive choices and actions I’ve made and continue to take. That step is crucial for me: it helps me to become present to myself. In a nutshell:
I parent myself. 
I also recognise that it’s not my role to heal, make better or even love up another person when their animal is provoked. Fear won’t recognise love; all of your actions and words will always be made wrong by fear. I have also learned to love myself enough to honour my own need for boundaries, safety and protection. I will delete inflammatory emails, take space, and create safety for myself. Just as you wouldn’t offer your hand to a wild-eyed dog, it can be dangerous to engage when someone is in that unreliable, groundless space where things are said that cannot be unsaid, boundaries are fuzzy, and pain perpetuates itself.
When I take these measures, healing acceptance eventually will naturally outflow to those who around me. And if they cannot feel it, that’s okay, too. They’re not ready. Ultimately, it is each individual’s responsibility to heal his or her own wounds, to rebuild whatever it was that was broken – that’s what it means to be an adult. Saturn in Scorpio empowers the maturity, clarity, boundaries and wisdom we need to take control of our own transformative and healing processes; we need to lose the expectation that someone will care for us in the way that our parents, ex-lover, ex-partner didn’t do for us and instead do that for our self. With enough trust building, safety and love, intimate partners and therapists can help heal this, too.
It’s Scorpio season. Remembrances of violations past are arising. Grudges are within arm’s reach. It’s hard to repress dark feelings, and hard to forgive. The hurt animal awakens when we encounter people whose wounds hook neatly into our own wounds. We may cast them in the spooky role of the original perpetrator, as: The Source Of All Pain. But as adults who have paid blood and tears for our wisdom and happiness, we have a choice: we can feed the animal of our own heart more pain -or we can feed the animal inside with acceptance and love. We can stop the pattern from perpetuating, and there’s no better time to release toxic habitual emotional patterns and create a new outcome than this transformative Scorpio New Moon Eclipse.

Uranus - Pluto square is demanding new action

Where are you in this process? Some people are just beginning this, what I call “the phoenix process”. They have the awareness that things need to change, but haven’t actually taken any practical, specific steps. They know they need therapy, but haven’t started. They know their job is making them miserable, but are afraid to leave the security of the old. Or they know they need a relationship dynamic to change, and they attempt, but each attempt at change is actually another variation of the same old habit. Others may be breaking new ground, doing the work, breaking through to new solutions, breaking out of old habits and expanding their consciousness… only to eventually realize they’ve reached yet another layer, and there’s more work to do.
The Uranus-Pluto square is demanding. A square demands new actions be taken, or we will suffer unrelenting misery. But before we can move forward, we must look at all the ways we self-sabotage, the abandonment and betrayal tapes we play, the people we haven’t forgiven or forgotten. Pluto has us trudge through our toxic sludge, through re-wounding, we experience ancient hurts and betrayals only to realize that no one is truly hurting us now, today we are the one hurting and betraying our self. In cycles, as we do this intensive shadow work, like an explosive Uranus blasts off another layer of sludge and we get closer to touching the answers we seek and to experiencing the freedom of the True Self. Like the Uranus-Pluto cycle itself, this happens in stops and starts.
Upheaval and changes of plans, being stretched to the emotional max, can become a way of life. That’s the nature of the square. Self-revelations, diving deep into one’s truth, making dramatic shifts of allegiance in one’s people, relationships, lifestyle. Support – from friends, loved ones, therapists, healers, astrologers, coaches – is crucial. But if there’s one thing I could pass on to you it would be this: listen. It is your inner voice, the one who knows how to soothe its own fears when panicked, to take a walk, a break, have a cup of tea, ground and tune into exactly what needs to happen next. It may be nothing needs to happen, it may be something big. Inner listening is our greatest ally. But we can only have this gift of inner listening if we are connected to our Self, our body.
American Indians would put their ear to the ground and hear a stampede of buffalo before they came into the field of vision. In deer girlharmony with the land, they would listen to and trust the information gleaning an instinctual awareness their eyes couldn’t yet see. Many ancient civilizations had this ability to tune in to what was happening, whether game or a potential threat, before seeing them. It is the same with us: connection, to oneself, to one’s intuition, body and the Earth, can alert us to both disaster and opportunity.  Our challenge is to really listen, to trust that the information we’re feeling inside is real, and to allow it to lead us to finding solutions before the stampede of buffalo either runs over our flower bed or we miss the opportunity it presents altogether.
The deer is a beautiful embodied example of how to do this. We have these beautiful deer all over Marin, chomping at foilage on the side of the road, wandering all around the neighborhood. If you’ve interacted with deer you know how poised, graceful  -and sensitive they are. They have to be; there are threats (bobcats and wolves) around every corner. The deer is super sensitive and alert to changing conditions and danger, yet remains calm, flexible and graceful and responsive because she is in tune with her body senses and her environment. 
Jupiter in Cancer is currently t-square this configuration by sign, and is the missing link to the brutal feeling nature of this square. Jupiter brings the opportunity to holistically and remedially apply Cancer balm to our wounds: to start listening to our intuition- no longer ignoring the still small voice, be tender, responsive, nurturing, gentle and caring toward our body, soul and Spirit. We need to listen to what the body and life is telling us it needs, then we need to take action, to tenderly care for our Self as a mother would for a child. If we can’t yet muster the healing compassion we most need, a stand in “mother” – a coach, a best friend -can show us how deeply we’re hurting, the tears we’ve been crying silently for years, and what we are ready to change. No matter how we find it, we receive transformative healing and grace through self-compassion and love.
We can find this connection during the Uranus-Pluto square. We need this grace born of deep connection and harmony with our body-environment, otherwise our anxieties, survival fears, mental chatter will derail spin us out into darkness. Pleasure and gentleness is so important, too; pulsing pleasure into pressure-filled times is so healing for the Spirit. So keep being honest with your self, keep looking for new solutions, but remember that this is a marathon not a sprint. Seek ways to keep your faith candle lit, actively care for and love your body-Spirit. This will keep you centered, flexible and responsive to what life is asking from you.

Uranus Square Pluto Part Four: How Are You Feeling?

This time, Uranus is retrograde while Pluto is in direct motion, suggesting the need to go inward to contemplate Uranian themes such as freedom and genius and the need to take action on Plutonian themes such as power and truth.

In addition, the Sun occupies deep, intense Scorpio for this square; with the Scorpion's sign ruled by Pluto, we have an indication of just how important Pluto's themes are for part four of the Uranus-Pluto square experience. With Mercury and Saturn also occupying Scorpio at this time (along with the North Node, symbol of our future direction or destiny), the push toward truth and the need to expose "secrets and lies" take on greater urgency.

Recapping Our Experience So Far

The first article in this series, "Uranus and Pluto 2012: Mid-"60s come of age, demand "report card,'" showed how the current Uranus-Pluto pattern began when these planets came together in the health-conscious, perfectionist earth sign Virgo in the mid-1960s. Now, Uranus has moved forward to the brash, energetic fire sign Aries, while Pluto has reached the sober, ambitious earth sign Capricorn. Together, they form a difficult 90-degree angle called a square, which can bring challenges and clashes that force change.

The second article in this series, "Uranus and Pluto's Transformation Timetable: Sept. 19 Square Forces Issues Around Virgo, Health," explained how either Uranus or Pluto is retrograde during each square, except for the final one in 2015, when both will be in direct motion. When a planet is retrograde, it appears to move backward through the sky, disrupting the planet's expression on the outer plane. If we resist this experience and keep trying to push ahead, we can experience intense frustration, but if we flow with the process, we have an opportunity to review and re-think how we're expressing the retrograde planet's energies.

The third article in this series, "Uranus Square Pluto Round Three: Fight Your Own Fight, KO What Needs to Go," used a boxing theme to show how Uranus and Pluto differ dramatically and how awkward and frustrating their square formation feels as we try to integrate their energies. It also provided a chart showing the Sun's sign, element, and mode for with each square and explained how these factors affect each square's potential while giving us help in balancing Uranus's and Pluto's conflicting demands.

2013: The Year of Feeling

This year's astrological energies have brought all of us extensive opportunities to tap into our emotions as well as our intuition and spirituality, and the November 1 square will raise the stakes, forcing us to feel more--and more deeply--than we ever thought possible.

When the year began, we already faced high emotions due to the Uranus-Pluto square. With freedom-demanding Uranus in fiery Aries, we have seen growing passion as well as shocking increases in anger around the world and in our personal lives. Pluto in Capricorn adds depth to our passion yet puts fear into the mix, and in its lower expression brings rage, secrets, and desire for vengeance. The combination of these two energies in a volatile square formation--called a "hard aspect" in astrology--has brought hard feelings this year as we all experience relentless, uncontrollable change.

In June, Jupiter joined the fray when it entered Cancer. That shift put giant Jupiter opposite Pluto and square Uranus. As shown in the "red dot" diagram here, these three planets now form a t-square, an even more intense form of square energy whose clashing character comes through via the color red, used here to indicate each planet and its position.

At the same time, the heavens have been filled with "water, water everywhere," as numerous planets have been sitting in the highly sensitive, deeply feeling water signs.

Besides Jupiter in emotional Cancer, the "blue dot" diagram here shows Saturn in profound Scorpio and Neptune and the asteroid Chiron (associated with wounding, healing, and teaching) in dissolving Pisces. In addition, swift Mercury has spent extra time in all three water signs because its three retrograde periods in 2013 have occurred in Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.

All this watery energy, combined with Uranus's electricity, Aries's fire, Pluto's volcanic force, and Capricorn's determination, are giving us the high pressure that results when fire and water combine to create steam. While steam has dangerous potential for destruction if misused, it also can provide awesome power to propel us forward on our evolutionary path if used wisely, with discretion.

With this fourth square, Scorpio holds the key to our next steps:

.  Pluto, one of the key players in the ongoing square formation, rules Scorpio.
.  Pluto and stern Saturn are in mutual reception (meaning each occupies the sign ruled by the other planet), as Pluto sits in Saturn-ruled Capricorn and Saturn sits in Pluto-ruled Scorpio. Mutual reception adds emphasis to the planets involved as well as their signs, giving us a kind of pointer from Saturn to Pluto and from Pluto to all the planets in Scorpio.
.  In addition to Saturn, we now have the mighty Sun in Scorpio, lighting up this sign and demanding that we focus on its themes of truth, depth, and transformation. The Sun sits very close to the North Node, also in Scorpio, indicating our future (North Node) lies in the Scorpion's deep transformation via necessary destruction followed by regeneration from the resulting ashes.
.  The Sun sits at 9 degrees in Scorpio, and three other planets and a major asteroid occupy 9 degrees of various signs: Mars in Virgo, giving us the drive to perfect ourselves and our world; Chiron exactly opposite Mars in Pisces, giving us courage to feel our wounds and heal addictions; and perhaps most telling, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Other planets and points sit very close to 9 degrees, further emphasizing Scorpio and the need to integrate all these energies through deep, Scorpionic soul work: the North Node at 7 degrees Scorpio, the South Node (the past, what we must release) at 7 degrees Taurus, Mercury at 10 degrees Scorpio, Saturn at 13 degrees Scorpio, the Moon at 12 degrees Libra, and Neptune near Chiron at 2 degrees Pisces.
.  Mercury, the winged messenger planet, remains retrograde until November 10. Its position in Scorpio, so close to the Sun and Saturn, indicates we can prosper on the inner plane if we will slow down and rethink our desires and motivations, review the means we use to accomplish our plans, and reconsider whether the ends we have in mind are worthy of our ideals.
.  Finally, at the time of the square, the Moon is moving through Libra. By November 3, however, it will be in Scorpio and bring not only a new Moon but a solar eclipse. This event indicates something in our identity (the Sun) is ending (being eclipsed) as we remember (the Moon) something deep, fundamental, and powerful (Scorpio) about ourselves. Remember--literally, re-member by making something part of ourselves once again--and we can restore what we thought we'd lost (Chiron in Pisces).

Scorpio's energy and Mercury's retrograde also offer an outstanding opportunity to go deeper within than we ever thought possible. Scorpio's ruler, the mythological Pluto, ruled the dark and frightening underworld, yet he presided over vast hordes of gold and other riches because all who entered his domain had to turn over their worldly wealth. This story reminds us of the treasures that await us deep within ourselves and offers incentive for undertaking the arduous "Journey Within."

Scorpio brings us to the very gates of hell, forcing us to look at all the dark places in ourselves and our world. Doing so strengthens us and restores our power: having looked at deepest darkness, we become fearless once we realize we have not only endured but survived what we thought would destroy us. Rather like a blackmailer, our fears and secrets enslave us, but if we resolve to bring light to our darkness and expose it ourselves, no one can hold it over our heads or use it to control us.

Along the way, we may feel quite terrible--and yet we will survive. Once we emerge from our darkness, our truth will have set us free. Also, our dramatic journey within will have shown us how little we truly need to feel safe and powerful once we have embraced truth--and how easy it can be to let go of what we have outgrown, what has enslaved us, what no longer serves us.

Stop, Look, and Feel

We can make the most of the fourth Uranus-Pluto square if we allow ourselves to stop (or at least slow down), look around at our lives and within ourselves, and take time to feel deeply and truly. With the days in the northern hemisphere now shorter than the nights, the Sun and other planets in introspective Scorpio, and additional planets in the other two sensitive water signs, we have overwhelming energies urging us to slow down. In fact, this is an excellent time to simply stop. Cease any activities that are not mandatory and give yourself ample time for rest, reflection, and simply "doing nothing."

During this period, look back in your calendar, diary, or journal to see what was happening in your life at the time of the last three Uranus-Pluto squares:

.  June 24, 2012
.  September 19, 2012
.  May 20, 2013

How has your life changed? How have you changed? What shifts have you noticed in others' lives, in your community, and in the world? How do you feel about these changes? Have you taken time to face your emotions and use them to understand your personal imbalances and the areas in which you must make adjustments?

How well have you done at the Uranus-Pluto square's mandate to liberate (Uranus) your identity (Aries) and pioneer (Aries) into the future (Uranus)? To eliminate (Pluto) any structures or ambitions (Capricorn) that have outworn their use? What possessions or routines must you release, and what beliefs or self-made prisons must you destroy in order to clear the way for your true self to flourish?

Do Blue So You're Equipped to Handle Red

Current astrological energies indicate that, if we take the time to work with our emotions, we will be able to do the work required by the Uranus-Pluto square. 

As indicated in the "blue dot" diagram for the water signs, we have a flowing, supportive triangle of emotional support available to us right now. Saturn in Scorpio encourages us to undertake the work to dig for truth and use our findings maturely, Neptune in Pisces opens our hearts to unity with all creation and the dream of transcendent spirituality, Chiron in Pisces gives us tools to heal any addictions or escapist tendencies, and Jupiter in Cancer enlarges our ability to mother ourselves, nurture others, and give birth to goodness. 

Then, through Jupiter, we can connect this supportive foundation energetically to the "red dot" diagram for the Uranus-Pluto square because both the water sign configuration and the square contain Jupiter in Cancer. In this way, we can toggle back and forth between watery self-love and fiery self-transformation, between sensitive self-compassion and determined self-improvement.

Remember Libra: Peace, Harmony, Justice

The Uranus-Pluto square cycle will reach one of its seven climaxes November 1, but it remains in effect until spring 2015. Throughout the rest of its cycle, it will be helpful to remember the fourth sign at the collective table of change: Libra.
As indicated in the combined blue and red diagram, the Uranus-Pluto square has been augmented this year with Jupiter's entry into Cancer. These three planets give us an image of three contentious people sitting down at a round table, posturing for one another and bristling at each other's energies. A fourth place at the table can be found in Libra, even though this sign is not hosting any planet for a long stretch of time as its three colleagues are.

In this sense, Libra offers us an empty space to make what we will. Its energies remind us of the importance of relationships, equality, and peace.

If you would experience the Uranus-Pluto opportunity at its highest level, allow yourself to embody Libra ideals: fairness, justice, right relationships, and the "marriage of true minds." Hold feelings of peace within your heart, and strive always toward graciousness, ensuring all beings have a place at our collective table. 

Look with love upon all your sisters and brothers in the human family and across all life, in all forms, throughout creation. Let yourself hear the subtle harmony that pervades our universe. Now join in the chorus of beauty and love, as we move ever forward into our higher selves and our deeper destiny.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

SCORPIO! New Moon Solar Eclipse 2013 – November 3, 2013
 It’s All About Scorpio!!! If you’re uncomfortable with Scorpio energy, you are going to have a rough time beginning October 23, 2013 when the Sun enters Scorpio. And even those of us who are familiar with the depth Scorpio requires, this may be a bit much. At that time, there will be 4 bodies in the sign: Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node. By the time we get to the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3, 2013, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node will be in Scorpio. AND in the Eclipse chart, Scorpio is rising because the New Moon is exact at sunrise. That makes 6 planets and points in Scorpio! 

 Scorpio ≠ Sex 

The final angle I want to talk about is that of sex and intimacy. Scorpio is erroneously associated with sex. I’d actually associate Leo with sex. Scorpio is about the exchange of energy. And for some sex is the ultimate. But being a water sign, Scorpio should more appropriately be associated with emotional energy. What is emotional energy? Emotional energy is the force underlying the motivation for our actions. Emotions give us the fuel to act upon our will. This is why for Scorpio, and for all of us during this Scorpio season, we are challenged to master our emotions. We are often tasked to honor our emotions and get in touch with them. It’s definitely important to name our emotions as a means to externalize the energy rather than letting it swirl endlessly without resolution. That is the first step in mastering our emotions. But the challenge we have right now is not about those fleeting emotions that change as often as the moon changes sign which is every couple of days. 

This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is exposing ingrained and unconsciously repeated emotional responses. More often than not, this is fear. Our fears motivate us to seek escape when we encounter unfamiliar emotional territory. Yet we never explore that territory because we’d prefer to remain where we are comfortable. Many times, comfort comes in the form of wounds. Our deepest inadequacies that come as a result of wounding at earlier times in our lives is what keeps us from our desires. Our desires are beckoning us to grow. For if it is love we want, we must confront our fear of vulnerability and intimacy. 

We must face how we felt unloved as a child or in previous relationships. If it is success we want, it is our fear of failure and mediocrity that we must confront. We must define success in terms of our capabilities and limitations (Saturn). Not just in terms of familiar paths we’ve seen others take. If it is stability that we desire, we must confront our fear of losing control and our fear of the unexpected. The erratic roots upon which our lives seem to be built, moving often or moms and dads who were in and out of our lives, too often define what we are capable of or even what we desire as a means to escape the past. Well, I told you I like to dig deep. And that is what this Eclipse is all about.

 Dig deep in your own life. Expose your own weaknesses. Liberate yourself from your unconscious emotional responses. That is the bridge to your desire. And you may find that once you cross that bridge, you may no longer want what you thought you wanted. You’ve transformed from being motivated by fear to being driven by your soul’s longing. Now, that its authentic desire!