We already love Cher and Kathy Griffin both individually and as best friends. Now we have yet another reason as the pair has joined their considerable forces withActually.org to expose the truth about presidential candidate Mitt Romney. "There's a lot at stake in this election, especially for women and people who like women and respect them, Cher states. "I'm looking at you gays," Griffin adds. The two self-acknowledged icons offer a run down on where Romney and other Republican candidates stand on issues that will affect female voters. "What about that guy that looks like Dracula?" Cher asks. Griffin, who notes that she speaks Cher, reveals that this is a reference to VP candidate, Congressman Paul Ryan, the guy "who thinks women should only have the right to choose in cases of 'forceable' rape." Cher urges everyone to vote on Tuesday and protect women's rights. Griffin, never one to mince words, sums it up, adding, "This is Cher, bitches, do what she says."
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Solar Eclipse Nov 13, 2012
Solar Eclipse Aspects
The eclipse is opposite Sedna. Sedna may feel victimized and project the bully onto their mother or other women around them. Initially the drama gets them the attention they crave. Eventually though, people get bored with the wailing and they have to accept they have been cut off. This is a blessing! Instead of endlessly replaying the drama, this eclipse gives us time to shift our attention to a more worthy cause outside ourselves and our soap opera lives. This is where we may find our calling. That is if we can resist drowning our sorrows with Unukalhai’s drink and drugs first. Sedna is about turning our inner victim into the Savior. Sedna can be fearful of hitting the icy depths, but go there she must if she is to defrost the bounty.
Mercury square Neptune in the chart is worry, psycho-somatic illnesses, and paranoia. The mind is foggy, but it is also poetic. This is an ideal time to do creative writing, to go into solitude, go on a meditation retreat, detox. Socially it will be hard to resist the snakes and seducers in the world. Everything will seem more glamorous then it really is, one glass of wine will feel like a bottle, even sugar will make you high. Unukalhai makes one so, so sensitive to toxins. In the mundane world this could mean more people suffering from allergies, autoimmune diseases and food intolerance. The toxins in our environment now are at such a high level that our livers are overloaded, we don’t need to add any more if we can help it.
Solar Eclipse Horoscope
There is an interesting aspect pattern in this chart which esoteric Astrologers call “The irritation rectangle” I used to call this a “Rack Of Doom”, but we already have enough hammer horror, so off with the doom. The rack actually stretches us, it’s like accelerated spiritual growth. Yes, we will have growing pains and yes, it will leave us aching. But we all know a good Yoga session makes us feel wonderful too. Forewarned is forearmed, we just need to warm up our limbs. This is a feminist rack boys so get your leotards on! The traditional“light” goddesses are on one side and the raging “dark” goddesses on the other.
Men may feel pulled between wife and mistress, mother and daughter, virgin and whore…Too much Unukahlai-hol and they could blur into one…Is that two of you there love? And what of us ladies? We may feel split in two. Are we Mother or priestess, good girl or slut? Do we go celibate or go celebrate? The Mercury square Neptune doesn’t make it easy to choose. All things mystical are well starred though, so seeing a psychic or your favourite witch may help clarify. Whatever you do, keep your eyes, (all three of them), open for messages and synchronicity from the universe. All is not what it seems.
Eclipses in your Chart
If you’ve followed the steps in Forecasting Tips, you have your chart in front of you and know the outstanding themes in your life as shown in the progressions.
Now, use asterisks to mark where eclipses are falling in your chart. Eclipses are a prelude to important events and by house position indicate where change is coming due. While eclipses can be relied upon to point to areas of change regardless of other techniques, they often corroborate the findings in the progressions, providing more clarity.
Recent & Coming Eclipses:
- Solar Eclipse, May 20, 2012 at 0° Gemini
- Lunar Eclipse, June 4, 2012 at 14° Sagittarius
- Solar Eclipse, November 13, 2012 at 21° Scorpio
- Lunar Eclipse, November 28, 2012 at 6° Gemini
- Lunar Eclipse, April 25, 2013 at 5º Scorpio
- Solar Eclipse, May 9, 2013 at 19º Taurus
- Lunar Eclipse, May 25, 2013 at 4º Sagittarius
- Lunar Eclipse, October 18, 2013 at 25º Aries
- Solar Eclipse, November 3, 2013 at 11º Scorpio
If an eclipse falls within 3º of a planet or important point in your chart, by conjunction or opposition, it is of special personal significance and there are experiences ahead that are in keeping with the nature of that planet. Check the keyword symbolism of the planet to learn the issues or people it describes. For example, Venus is naturally associated with the Second House of finances but this planet also rules loved ones. The Sun rules your physical vitality but it also symbolizes the important men in your life, especially the father. Sometimes an eclipse brings a focus to some matter that has been crying for attention as it’s been neglected or a situation has gone on too long. An eclipse brings a turning point.
November 13, 2012 21° Scorpio 57‘ 10:12 pm
An eclipse occurs when the orbits of the Moon and the Earth align closely enough together with the Sun and the Moon to block the light of the Sun from the Earth (a Solar Eclipse), or the Moon (a Lunar Eclipse). Every month we have a New Moon, but only every six months do we have eclipses. A Solar Eclipse is when the Moon is exactly between the Sun and the Earth and blocks the light of the Sun from the Earth. Solar Eclipses are very powerful New Moons and are known to herald significant and powerful endings and beginnings. Events that are triggered by an eclipse usually take six months to unfold, so you can expect this process to continue as you begin to feel like a flower opening its’ petals. Special opportunities to break old patterns become apparent as you begin to make major changes in your life. Metamorphosis is another word associated with eclipses.
An eclipse occurs when the orbits of the Moon and the Earth align closely enough together with the Sun and the Moon to block the light of the Sun from the Earth (a Solar Eclipse), or the Moon (a Lunar Eclipse). Every month we have a New Moon, but only every six months do we have eclipses. A Solar Eclipse is when the Moon is exactly between the Sun and the Earth and blocks the light of the Sun from the Earth. Solar Eclipses are very powerful New Moons and are known to herald significant and powerful endings and beginnings. Events that are triggered by an eclipse usually take six months to unfold, so you can expect this process to continue as you begin to feel like a flower opening its’ petals. Special opportunities to break old patterns become apparent as you begin to make major changes in your life. Metamorphosis is another word associated with eclipses.
The Solar Eclipse on November 13, 2012 will occur at 10:12pm at 21° Scorpio 21’. All Scorpio Sun Sign people will be most affected by this Solar Eclipse as will those with Scorpio rising. If you are a Taurus or have Taurus rising you will feel this Eclipse more strongly than most because in our sky the constellation of Taurus is opposite the constellation of Scorpio and is in direct alignment with this Eclipse. Overall, you will find yourself redoing your life from your toes to the top of your head and your appearance will be changed radically as you enhance your image to reflect the massive changes going on within you!! Remember, Eclipses are about endings . . and beginnings!! Ultimately the changes in how you see yourself will affect how you are perceived by others thereby affecting all of your personal AND business relationships!! Response to an Eclipse is both psychological and physical as each individual responds in a unique manner. This is all good as you review your life, let go of past aspirations, recommit to what works and plant fresh seeds for personal growth!!
Depending on the part of your chart (house) that is activated, we can determine exactly what part of your life will be most affected.
Depending on the part of your chart (house) that is activated, we can determine exactly what part of your life will be most affected.
If you are a Scorpio almost every part of your life will be affected, but all of us will feel a shift of some sort coming on. If the Eclipse falls in your 1st/7th houses, you are working on yourself, on your marriage or your relationship. If it is the 2nd/8th houses, it is your earnings or joint finances that are affected. If it is the 3rd/9th houses, it could be a year of travel or educational pursuits. For more information on how this eclipse falls in your personal chart, give me a call. With any eclipse, what is hidden will come to light and your secret desires may not be secret anymore. You may break away from a relationship that no longer suits your needs, or you may be faced with changes beyond your control. The six months ahead will give you the time to sort through your feelings and explore other options.
Remember: change is good! Change in thought, manner, speech, dress, lifestyle, career, health, family, expectations and goals are all part of the plan and the process of you creating a more fulfilled life. You may feel uncomfortable as you let go of what is familiar and you step way outside your boundaries to make room in your head and your heart for new ideas and ultimately a new lifestyle!
Read on to see how this eclipse will affect you personally!!
Remember: change is good! Change in thought, manner, speech, dress, lifestyle, career, health, family, expectations and goals are all part of the plan and the process of you creating a more fulfilled life. You may feel uncomfortable as you let go of what is familiar and you step way outside your boundaries to make room in your head and your heart for new ideas and ultimately a new lifestyle!
Read on to see how this eclipse will affect you personally!!
Haida hot springs run dry after 7.7 earthquake
The recent West Coast earthquake appears to have shut off the water at the popular hot springs in Haida Gwaii's national park, but there is hope they could reappear someday.
After Saturday's 7.7 magnitude earthquake, Parks Canada workers went to check the springs and found they had run dry, according to Barb Rowsell, who owns Anvil Cove Charters.
"Three people went down to check it out, and sure enough there is no hot water and the rocks are dry and cold," said Rowsell, who has been ferrying visitors to Hotspring Island for years.
The popular natural attraction in Gwaii Haanas National Park has been a major tourist draw for decades.
The park's superintendent Ernie Gladstone said the springs were still steaming last week, but now, to his dismay, there is not even a puddle left.
"We did have staff on site on Thursday before Saturday's events, and now less than a week later the water's not flowing so we have to assume it's a result of Saturday's earthquakes or one of the many aftershocks since then," said Gladstone.
I will still travel the world with him in mind
(The Paradox)
I will chase down my Beloved with all of the power of a thousand heavens
until I assure myself that there is no use in searching for Him.
Even if I know that it is futile to look for Allah outside of me,
I will still travel the world with Him in mind.
His Sublime Glories are worth risking life and limb
for the excitement of an enlivening encounter with His Mysterious Presence.
Allah has sealed my heart and told me to look for Him elsewhere.
All this He does to increase the length of our divine love affair together.
When the journey of infinity has been taken
and the path is well rounded out,
the seal which He placed over my heart will be taken away.
I will lose myself in His daydreams and say,
"If I from the beginning knew that You
were the only one who was in me,
then why would I want to begin
to look for what is most innately obvious to my soul?"
The intellect can never make up for the
journey out of the exile of the mind.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
I will chase down my Beloved with all of the power of a thousand heavens
until I assure myself that there is no use in searching for Him.
Even if I know that it is futile to look for Allah outside of me,
I will still travel the world with Him in mind.
His Sublime Glories are worth risking life and limb
for the excitement of an enlivening encounter with His Mysterious Presence.
Allah has sealed my heart and told me to look for Him elsewhere.
All this He does to increase the length of our divine love affair together.
When the journey of infinity has been taken
and the path is well rounded out,
the seal which He placed over my heart will be taken away.
I will lose myself in His daydreams and say,
"If I from the beginning knew that You
were the only one who was in me,
then why would I want to begin
to look for what is most innately obvious to my soul?"
The intellect can never make up for the
journey out of the exile of the mind.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
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Photo copyright - Mygreekspirit |
Friday, November 2, 2012
Shahrukh Khan we wish you a Happy Birthday
Forty seven years ago, on 2nd November 1965, an angel was born to a
simple, middle-class couple in old Delhi. Unbeknown to the significance
of the day that would shape an entire generation’s world view, father
Taj Mohammed Khan of Pathani descent, and mother Lateef Fatima named
their little bundle of joy ‘Shah Rukh’; ‘Face of the King’.
And indeed, this little boy lived upto the meaning of his name, and became a modern King in his own right.
Shah Rukh Khan has now fulfilled his parents’ prophecy, and reigns over the Kingdom of Dreams, otherwise known as Bollywood. The man is a messiah; a bringer of peace, joy and happiness to countless millions, nay; countless billions of people around the world.
To understand the phenomenon of SRK is to simply utter his name: Wherever in the world you may be; his name alone will be recognized and will resonate with 9 out of 10 people.
Shah Rukh Khan is a man of many, many talents. A man who has juggled many hats in his lifetime; a man who combines many different and seemingly opposing world views, and makes them his own. At once he is the quintessential charming lover ‘Raj Malhotra’ from DDLJ; and just as suddenly he can be the devilish dual personas ‘Ajay Sharma’ nee ‘Vicky Malhotra’ from Baazigar.
He is the creepily obsessive ‘Rahul’ from ‘Darr’; and is the diabolically saccharine sweet and lovable ‘Rahul Khanna’ of ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’. Shah Rukh is good and evil combined on screen, he is neither black nor white, but is that delicious shade of grey that we know and love so completely.
Shah Rukh Khan is an actor. Shah Rukh Khan is also a very successful producer of films. He owns a cricket team. He starred in a film about women’s hockey (‘Chak De India’). He is brand ambassador to multiple high-end products. He is known to be one of the smartest, most intelligently media savvy people in the world. Shah Rukh is all this and much more: SRK well and truly is a brand unto himself.
“Nothing in this world sells as well as sex, and Shah Rukh Khan.” This statement made by a B’town personality is so weighty, so very potent in its absolute truth, that we really cannot deny the man his irresistible worldwide appeal.
The name ‘Shah Rukh Khan’ is synonymous with worldwide frenzy, God-like reverence and unmatched global delirium. There just is no other way of describing the mass, mob-like hysteria this man engenders all over the world.
As the world’s favourite superstar turns 47 years old today, we bow our heads to him in reverence, as if in prayer.
We pay obeisance to a man whose popularity has achieved Greek God-like epic proportions. We alchemize our hearts’ base feelings, and turn them into gold, so we can lavish this exalted precious metal upon a man whom we all love so dearly.
We pour our collective love into this vessel of a man; and hope that it overflows so copiously that we may forever drink at the fountain of his youth and vitality. We send forth our love to him on this day of his birth, to have it mirrored back to us on that larger than life cinematic purdah, that whimsical 70 mm screen; which tells us story after story, so that we may laugh, and cry, and sing along with him until we are no more.
Shah Rukh Khan – the fulfiller of our dreams, the King of our hearts: We shall love you forever. Jab Tak Hai Jaan.
And indeed, this little boy lived upto the meaning of his name, and became a modern King in his own right.
Shah Rukh Khan has now fulfilled his parents’ prophecy, and reigns over the Kingdom of Dreams, otherwise known as Bollywood. The man is a messiah; a bringer of peace, joy and happiness to countless millions, nay; countless billions of people around the world.
To understand the phenomenon of SRK is to simply utter his name: Wherever in the world you may be; his name alone will be recognized and will resonate with 9 out of 10 people.
Shah Rukh Khan is a man of many, many talents. A man who has juggled many hats in his lifetime; a man who combines many different and seemingly opposing world views, and makes them his own. At once he is the quintessential charming lover ‘Raj Malhotra’ from DDLJ; and just as suddenly he can be the devilish dual personas ‘Ajay Sharma’ nee ‘Vicky Malhotra’ from Baazigar.
He is the creepily obsessive ‘Rahul’ from ‘Darr’; and is the diabolically saccharine sweet and lovable ‘Rahul Khanna’ of ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’. Shah Rukh is good and evil combined on screen, he is neither black nor white, but is that delicious shade of grey that we know and love so completely.
Shah Rukh Khan is an actor. Shah Rukh Khan is also a very successful producer of films. He owns a cricket team. He starred in a film about women’s hockey (‘Chak De India’). He is brand ambassador to multiple high-end products. He is known to be one of the smartest, most intelligently media savvy people in the world. Shah Rukh is all this and much more: SRK well and truly is a brand unto himself.
“Nothing in this world sells as well as sex, and Shah Rukh Khan.” This statement made by a B’town personality is so weighty, so very potent in its absolute truth, that we really cannot deny the man his irresistible worldwide appeal.
The name ‘Shah Rukh Khan’ is synonymous with worldwide frenzy, God-like reverence and unmatched global delirium. There just is no other way of describing the mass, mob-like hysteria this man engenders all over the world.
As the world’s favourite superstar turns 47 years old today, we bow our heads to him in reverence, as if in prayer.
We pay obeisance to a man whose popularity has achieved Greek God-like epic proportions. We alchemize our hearts’ base feelings, and turn them into gold, so we can lavish this exalted precious metal upon a man whom we all love so dearly.
We pour our collective love into this vessel of a man; and hope that it overflows so copiously that we may forever drink at the fountain of his youth and vitality. We send forth our love to him on this day of his birth, to have it mirrored back to us on that larger than life cinematic purdah, that whimsical 70 mm screen; which tells us story after story, so that we may laugh, and cry, and sing along with him until we are no more.
Shah Rukh Khan – the fulfiller of our dreams, the King of our hearts: We shall love you forever. Jab Tak Hai Jaan.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The Legend of "Stingy Jack"
The Legend of "Stingy Jack"
People have been making jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween for centuries. The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed "Stingy Jack." According to the story, Stingy Jack invited the Devil to have a drink with him. True to his name, Stingy Jack didn't want to pay for his drink, so he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin that Jack could use to buy their drinks. Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form. Jack eventually freed the Devil, under the condition that he would not bother Jack for one year and that, should Jack die, he would not claim his soul. The next year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit. While he was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree's bark so that the Devil could not come down until the Devil promised Jack not to bother him for ten more years.Soon after, Jack died. As the legend goes, God would not allow such an unsavory figure into heaven. The Devil, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his soul, would not allow Jack into hell. He sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved-out turnip and has been roaming the Earth with ever since. The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as "Jack of the Lantern," and then, simply "Jack O'Lantern."
In Ireland and Scotland, people began to make their own versions of Jack's lanterns by carving scary faces into turnips or potatoes and placing them into windows or near doors to frighten away Stingy Jack and other wandering evil spirits. In England, large beets are used. Immigrants from these countries brought the jack o'lantern tradition with them when they came to the United States. They soon found that pumpkins, a fruit native to America, make perfect jack-o'-lanterns.
Happy Halloween
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Hurricane Sandy leaves New York crippled | World | News | Toronto Sun
Hurricane Sandy leaves New York crippled | World | News | Toronto Sun
NEW YORK - Millions of people were left reeling in the aftermath of monster storm Sandy on Tuesday as New York City and a wide swathe of the eastern United States struggled with epic flooding and massive power outages.
Sandy, which crashed ashore with hurricane-force winds in New Jersey overnight as the biggest storm to hit the country in generations, swamped parts of New York’s subway system and Manhattan’s Wall Street district, closing financial markets for a second day.
At least 18 people were reported killed along the eastern seaboard.
As the weakened but still sprawling storm system continued its trek inland, more than 1 million people in a dozen states along its path were still under orders to evacuate. Sandy left behind a trail of damage - homes underwater, trees toppled and power lines downed - up and down the Atlantic coast.
Centuries collided 145 km off the coast of Hatteras, N.C., on Monday.
Two crew members were missing after the Hollywood tall-ship replica HMS Bounty was pulled under by Hurricane Sandy.
They were believed to be wearing survival suits and life-jackets, and it was unclear how long they could stay alive, as a Hercules spotter plane and MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter searched for them.
Two coast guard cutters were also dispatched.
The coast guard recovered the body of Claudene Christian, 42, early Monday evening.
The search for Robin Walbridge, 63, continues about 144 km southeast of Hatteras, N.C., the coast guard said.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sandy's High Tides due to Moons position
During a full moon, the moon is essentially lined up on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun and the gravitational tug of war between those two intensifies, resulting in higher tides.
5:59PM EDT October 29. 2012 - Higher-than-normal tides -- tied to a full moon -- have added to Hurricane Sandy's coastal flooding threat.As you might expect the explanation is a matter of simple astronomy, not any kind of lunacy associated in folklore with a full moon.
"It's not the moon's phase that matters, but the position," says astronomer Phil Plait on his Bad Astronomy website.
During a full moon, the moon is essentially lined up on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun (this is what allows the near surface of the moon to be illuminated in its full splendor) and the gravitational tug of war between those two intensifies at this time, resulting in higher tides.
This kind of alignment of astronomical objects is called a syzygy (SIH-zhih-jhee) and sailors have understood the effect for centuries. So, for Hurricane Sandy, the higher-than-normal tides that threaten to add to an 11-foot storm surge feared for lower Manhattan are simply a matter of bad timing.
When a full moon comes during the time when the moon is at the lowest point of its slightly-out-of-round orbit, the result is a supermoon", as NASA calls it, when the full moon looks a bit bigger in the nighttime sky because it is a tad closer to Earth.
The moon's gravity triggers about two-thirds of a typical tide's size and the sun is responsible for another third, so when they line up, higher tides almost always result. A similar alignment and similar higher tides happen during a new moon, when the moon aligns between the Earth and sun.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Sandy the "Franken" storm
Hurricane Sandy has already caused her first damage in New York: The subway system will be shut as of 7 p.m. tonight. Meteorologists are scared, so city planners are scared.
For many, the hullabaloo raises memories of Irene, which despite causing $15.6 billion worth of damages in the United States, did not live up to its pre-arrival hype.
By almost all measures, this storm looks like it could be worse: higher winds, a path through a more populated area, worse storm surge, and a greater chance it’ll linger. The atmospherics, you might say, all point to this being the worst storm in recent history.
I’ve been watching weather nerds freak out about a few different graphs over the last several days, which they’ve sent around like sports fans would tweet a particularly vicious hit in the NFL. You don’t want to look, but you also can’t help it.
Ryan Maue, who runs a weather modeling firm, put out this animated GIF of the storm’s approach yesterday. “This is unprecedented –absolutely stunning upper-level configuration pinwheeling #Sandy on-shore like ping-pong ball,” he tweeted. It shows how cold air to the north and west of the storm spin Sandy into the mid-Atlantic coastline. (Nota bene: his models also show very high winds at skyscraper altitudes.)
Cell phone dress
London-based fashion company CuteCircuit has just upped the ante in the Little Black Dress category.
The company recently released images and a few details about its forthcoming M-Dress, a dark, richly textured, form-fitting silk jersey dress that also doubles as acellphone. That’s right, you can make and receive calls with your current mobile number. From your dress.
Simply slip your SIM card underneath the garment label and you’re all set. The dress has special gesture recognition software that makes picking up a call as simple as raising a hand to your ear. (And yes, the dress rings. We were told that the default ring sounds like “Dilidilidilidliin dliin dliin.” Make of that what you will.) Dropping your hand will end the call, the manufacturer claims.
The dress will only be able to call a couple of numbers that will be pre-programmed into the dress, CuteCircuit spokesperson Francesca Rosella informed us, pointing out that one of those numbers could be an operator’s. You will also be able to attach different ringtones to different numbers, so that you can determine who is calling. http://mashable.com/2010/08/27/cellphone-dress/
The company recently released images and a few details about its forthcoming M-Dress, a dark, richly textured, form-fitting silk jersey dress that also doubles as acellphone. That’s right, you can make and receive calls with your current mobile number. From your dress.
Simply slip your SIM card underneath the garment label and you’re all set. The dress has special gesture recognition software that makes picking up a call as simple as raising a hand to your ear. (And yes, the dress rings. We were told that the default ring sounds like “Dilidilidilidliin dliin dliin.” Make of that what you will.) Dropping your hand will end the call, the manufacturer claims.
The dress will only be able to call a couple of numbers that will be pre-programmed into the dress, CuteCircuit spokesperson Francesca Rosella informed us, pointing out that one of those numbers could be an operator’s. You will also be able to attach different ringtones to different numbers, so that you can determine who is calling. http://mashable.com/2010/08/27/cellphone-dress/
Obligations of the True Path Walkers
Obligations of the True Path Walkers
To bring back the natural harmony that humans once enjoyed.
To save the planet from present practices of destruction.
To find and re-employ real truth.
To promote true balance between both genders.
To share and be less materialistic.
To become rid of prejudice.
To learn to be related.
To be kind to animals and take no more than we need.
To play with one's children and love each equally and fairly.
To be brave and courageous, enough so,
to take a stand and make a commitment.
To understand what Generations Unborn really means.
To accept the Great Mystery
in order to end foolish argument over religion.
........... the only truth is LOVE
for water from this woman who is not bound by the rules of patriarchy, she gives it freely from a place of love. This woman refers to the divine Feminine Spirit who is open to new revelations and a new order of Being. She is an earthly Lady Wisdom, for she recognizes Jesus as someone who walks his talk. Because of this recognition, Jesus shares his divine mission with her freely and openly. Not so surprisingly, he does not share his mission so freely with his own disciples, who must discover the nature of his divine being on their own. Only an open, trusting attitude toward life and love can see the Divine plan at work. And it is a feminine attitude that sees Spirit at work.
When we explore our own depths and discover that we are all in this primordial soup together, experiencing life and death until we understand that the only truth is LOVE, we become like this Samarian Woman, open to divine law and truth. May we all open to this revelation!
When we explore our own depths and discover that we are all in this primordial soup together, experiencing life and death until we understand that the only truth is LOVE, we become like this Samarian Woman, open to divine law and truth. May we all open to this revelation!
Full Moon in Taurus on October 29, 2012 @ 3:50 pm edt
There’s a long-term Grand Trine i’ve been writing about lately. Neptune-Chiron trine Ceres trine Saturn-Sun. As the Sun entered Scorpio (Monday Oct 22), it was conjunct Saturn (Oct 25) and part of the Grand Trine.
At the FULL MOON there are 2 KITES – astrological symbols of ‘supreme success.’ KITES are formed when 2 of the planets in a Grand Trine also sextile a 4th planet, creating what looks like a KITE. At FULL, the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune-Chiron and Ceres, forming a brief but significant KITE formation. Pluto is also forming a KITE (sextile Chiron and Saturn). That makes 2 KITES. This is supreme good fortune for THE MOST POWERFUL forces. What are they going to DO with the tremendous power they are receiving?
The reason this chart is so powerful is how easily connections are made. The energy flow is effortless. Power is easy to work with. How are you going to use your talents and resources, hidden and known, to create good fortune. The clue is the desire to share your treasures. What you have to offer is valuable. Priceless. For each of us, this can be a time of spiritual expansion.
The ruler of the Moon-in-Taurus is Venus. Venus (@ 1 Libra 33) is still sextile Mercury (they’ve been sextile – in partnership – throughout October) – but the party’s almost over. Mercury is slowing down, preparing for a Retrograde station on November 6 (yes, that’s important – a post is coming…), so Venus will continue moving ahead while Mercury stops and moves backwards for the next 3 weeks.
For now, Mercury is inching forward. Just before the Moon is exactly FULL, Mercury will enter Sagittarius and square Neptune – fantasies run AMOK. Does it matter what’s really true? How we imagine things can seem stronger than what’s really happening. You can be talked in or out of anything, without reason or logic interfering.
This ingress (Mercury in Sag) puts Mercury and Jupiter in mutual reception – in each other’s signs (Mercury in Jupiter-ruled Sag, Jupiter Rx in Mercury-ruled Gemini) – as Mars opposes Jupiter-in-Gemini. This is a STORM of fierce wind on all energetic levels – from ideas to physical wind. The stench is everywhere. You can pretend, even you’re being misguided while powerful forces use your confusion or mystification as they wish. For example, wishing away a mega hurricane may not be realistic, no matter how many times the pundits say it. Why be realistic when you can be deceptive, or deceived?
There is a good reason to look honestly within – this Full Moon and the coming Eclipses and 12/21/12. We are living in a time of FATE on a COSMIC scale. ALso great potential for awakening to our authentic and true selves – our power. For those of us who are psychically asleep – in denial or deception – you may start to awaken – after the Mercury Retrograde station – when it will be harder to turn back.
Grand Trine (with Kite formation)
The Sun in Scorpio this month is in a powerfully beneficial relationship with all the signs that rule our emotional bodies – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, our water signs. Ceres in Cancer representing the three faces of the Goddess, mother, maiden, wise elder, is reaching out to the Neptune/Chiron combination in Pisces. We have access to the highest level of feminine compassion and forgiveness through Neptune. It represents our on-going healing of our relationship to the feminine at every level – most fundamentally, the Earth, and also the watering and encouraging of our cooperative selves, our loving and powerfully life-sustaining selves, and our honoring and surrendering to the great mysteries of life. Saturn, newly moved into Scorpio, is what really gives this Grand Trine weight and conviction. Symbolically, the Lord of Karma aligning with the source of life, our Sun, is saying, ‘I expect you to take this very seriously.’ You must be watering this part of your garden – the feminine – if you expect to have a seat at the feast of new, high frequency energies moving rapidly towards us with the main entrée.
The water Trine has the perfect outlet in the Full Moon in Taurus with its Venus ruler. So look to physicality, finances and relationship. Your connection to your physical body will be highlighted – notice where tension, pain, stiffness is showing up. Who’s asking for attention? Have you thanked your body part by part lately for the fine service it provides? Touch, scent, beauty, harmonious sound, graceful movement, and nourishing taste bud excitement are called for at this Moon. Sen-su-al-i-ty! Finances might also be your vehicle of expression now needing to be cleaned up, loose ends completed, tightening of paper trails, clarifying contractual arrangements. Relationships can be a major focus for expression of this Moon as Venus rules and delights in all social intercourse. Scorpio says, ‘get rid of what isn’t serving my highest good’ and Taurus says, ‘value and openly appreciate the ones you love’ for maximum use of this Grand Trine gift.
Venus as participant in Grand Square
Let’s look to Venus, ruler of Taurus and the chart, and see what work she is focused upon. Crisis can be triggered with Venus opposing and activating the square between Uranus and Pluto. Brilliant new ideas whose time have come antagonize and facilitate the breakdown of the outmoded and unsustainable. By opposing Pluto, Ceres is creating the fourth leg of a Grand Square. Very dynamic, but very tense, or frightening and exciting at the same time. With two powerful feminine energies, Venus and Ceres in play with the Uranus/Pluto evolutionary push, it’s a call to do your forgiveness work and step into your deepest dark feminine power. Reveal your ‘medicine’; live boldly and courageously without regard to what has gone before. Ceres is the pivot here linking both the Grand Trine and Grand Square.
This Full Moon is a set up for the eclipse package about to unfold in November. In two weeks, a total eclipse of the Sun at New Moon in Scorpio November 13 will be visible in northern Australia and the South Pacific.
Penumbral eclipse of the Full Moon will be November 28 in Gemini visible over Europe, East Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean and most of North America.
Eclipses are like a major re-set button drawing a line on what went before and allowing a refreshing of the whole mechanism as the light of the Sun momentarily and figuratively blinks off.
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