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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Full Moon in Taurus on October 29, 2012 @ 3:50 pm edt

There’s a long-term Grand Trine i’ve been writing about lately. Neptune-Chiron trine Ceres trine Saturn-Sun. As the Sun entered Scorpio (Monday Oct 22), it was conjunct Saturn (Oct 25) and part of the Grand Trine.
At the FULL MOON there are 2 KITES – astrological symbols of ‘supreme success.’ KITES are formed when 2 of the planets in a Grand Trine also sextile a 4th planet, creating what looks like a KITE. At FULL, the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune-Chiron and Ceres, forming a brief but significant KITE formation. Pluto is also forming a KITE (sextile Chiron and Saturn). That makes 2 KITES. This is supreme good fortune for THE MOST POWERFUL forces. What are they going to DO with the tremendous power they are receiving?
The reason this chart is so powerful is how easily connections are made. The energy flow is effortless. Power is easy to work with. How are you going to use your talents and resources, hidden and known, to create good fortune. The clue is the desire to share your treasures. What you have to offer is valuable. Priceless. For each of us, this can be a time of spiritual expansion.
The ruler of the Moon-in-Taurus is Venus. Venus (@ 1 Libra 33) is still sextile Mercury (they’ve been sextile – in partnership – throughout October) – but the party’s almost over. Mercury is slowing down, preparing for a Retrograde station on November 6 (yes, that’s important – a post is coming…), so Venus will continue moving ahead while Mercury stops and moves backwards for the next 3 weeks.
For now, Mercury is inching forward. Just before the Moon is exactly FULL, Mercury will enter Sagittarius and square Neptune – fantasies run AMOK. Does it matter what’s really true? How we imagine things can seem stronger than what’s really happening. You can be talked in or out of anything, without reason or logic interfering.
This ingress (Mercury in Sag) puts Mercury and Jupiter in mutual reception – in each other’s signs (Mercury in Jupiter-ruled Sag, Jupiter Rx in Mercury-ruled Gemini) – as Mars opposes Jupiter-in-Gemini. This is a STORM of fierce wind on all energetic levels – from ideas to physical wind. The stench is everywhere. You can pretend, even you’re being misguided while powerful forces use your confusion or mystification as they wish. For example, wishing away a mega hurricane may not be realistic, no matter how many times the pundits say it. Why be realistic when you can be deceptive, or deceived?
There is a good reason to look honestly within – this Full Moon and the coming Eclipses and 12/21/12. We are living in a time of FATE on a COSMIC scale. ALso great potential for awakening to our authentic and true selves – our power. For those of us who are psychically asleep – in denial or deception – you may start to awaken – after the Mercury Retrograde station – when it will be harder to turn back.
Grand Trine (with Kite formation)

The Sun in Scorpio this month is in a powerfully beneficial relationship with all the signs that rule our emotional bodies – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, our water signs. Ceres in Cancer representing the three faces of the Goddess, mother, maiden, wise elder, is reaching out to the Neptune/Chiron combination in Pisces. We have access to the highest level of feminine compassion and forgiveness through Neptune. It represents our on-going healing of our relationship to the feminine at every level – most fundamentally, the Earth, and also the watering and encouraging of our cooperative selves, our loving and powerfully life-sustaining selves, and our honoring and surrendering to the great mysteries of life. Saturn, newly moved into Scorpio, is what really gives this Grand Trine weight and conviction. Symbolically, the Lord of Karma aligning with the source of life, our Sun, is saying, ‘I expect you to take this very seriously.’ You must be watering this part of your garden – the feminine – if you expect to have a seat at the feast of new, high frequency energies moving rapidly towards us with the main entrée.

The water Trine has the perfect outlet in the Full Moon in Taurus with its Venus ruler. So look to physicality, finances and relationship. Your connection to your physical body will be highlighted – notice where tension, pain, stiffness is showing up. Who’s asking for attention? Have you thanked your body part by part lately for the fine service it provides? Touch, scent, beauty, harmonious sound, graceful movement, and nourishing taste bud excitement are called for at this Moon. Sen-su-al-i-ty! Finances might also be your vehicle of expression now needing to be cleaned up, loose ends completed, tightening of paper trails, clarifying contractual arrangements. Relationships can be a major focus for expression of this Moon as Venus rules and delights in all social intercourse. Scorpio says, ‘get rid of what isn’t serving my highest good’ and Taurus says, ‘value and openly appreciate the ones you love’ for maximum use of this Grand Trine gift.

Venus as participant in Grand Square
Let’s look to Venus, ruler of Taurus and the chart, and see what work she is focused upon. Crisis can be triggered with Venus opposing and activating the square between Uranus and Pluto. Brilliant new ideas whose time have come antagonize and facilitate the breakdown of the outmoded and unsustainable. By opposing Pluto, Ceres is creating the fourth leg of a Grand Square. Very dynamic, but very tense, or frightening and exciting at the same time. With two powerful feminine energies, Venus and Ceres in play with the Uranus/Pluto evolutionary push, it’s a call to do your forgiveness work and step into your deepest dark feminine power. Reveal your ‘medicine’; live boldly and courageously without regard to what has gone before. Ceres is the pivot here linking both the Grand Trine and Grand Square.

This Full Moon is a set up for the eclipse package about to unfold in November. In two weeks, a total eclipse of the Sun at New Moon in Scorpio November 13 will be visible in northern Australia and the South Pacific.
Penumbral eclipse of the Full Moon will be November 28 in Gemini visible over Europe, East Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean and most of North America.

Eclipses are like a major re-set button drawing a line on what went before and allowing a refreshing of the whole mechanism as the light of the Sun momentarily and figuratively blinks off.

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