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Saturday, November 3, 2012

I will still travel the world with him in mind

(The Paradox) 

I will chase down my Beloved with all of the power of a thousand heavens 
until I assure myself that there is no use in searching for Him. 

Even if I know that it is futile to look for Allah outside of me, 
I will still travel the world with Him in mind. 

His Sublime Glories are worth risking life and limb 
for the excitement of an enlivening encounter with His Mysterious Presence. 

Allah has sealed my heart and told me to look for Him elsewhere. 
All this He does to increase the length of our divine love affair together. 

When the journey of infinity has been taken 
and the path is well rounded out, 
the seal which He placed over my heart will be taken away. 

I will lose myself in His daydreams and say, 
"If I from the beginning knew that You 
were the only one who was in me, 
then why would I want to begin 
to look for what is most innately obvious to my soul?" 

The intellect can never make up for the 
journey out of the exile of the mind. 

Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

Photo copyright - Mygreekspirit

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