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Sunday, October 20, 2013

How to survive Saturn in Scorpio until 2015
There are ten things you need to know about surviving Saturn in Scorpio until 2015. (Image Wikimedia Commons – Story Jessica Adams.) Read the first five to understand 2012-2013 – and the final five points, to figure out the rest. The cycle will be over (mostly) on 23rd December 2014 at 9.35pm in London. Saturn cycles always seem as if they’re permanent, because Saturn manifests as people or situations which are frozen (like this statue above). It’s an illusion, though, so don’t live your life as if this is forever. Saturn returns for a short time, from 15th June 2015 at 1.36am through 15th September 2015 at 3.50am. After that he will not bother you again – at least not in the Scorpio-ruled house of your horoscope. (If you don’t know this, you can tweet me). This Saturn in Scorpio cycle is particularly hard because so many people were born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Scorpio. In other words, entire generations of people are waking up to find a major part of their personality is affected. If you suspect you may have Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Scorpio, look up your birth horoscope at Check the house of the horoscope where you find any of them. (Use Whole Sign Houses for accuracy). Your Scorpio house reveals the life department most affected. Having Saturn in that house is like having a flatmate move in upstairs, with a lot of baggage. A Saturn cycle has three stages. First, people around you feel ‘cursed’ on some level and try to break free. It works for a short time and they rule the world. You will have seen this from October 2012 through July 2013. We know about these three stages thanks to the Saturn Return cycle (around age 30, 60 and 90). It’s also mirrored in the original Greek/Roman myth as you may know. The second stage of the cycle is the second curse! What Saturn did to break free from the first curse, ironically curses him again. This time he goes mad and does pointless, self-defeating things to try and stop the curse from coming true. The third stage? The curse actually comes to pass. And guess what? Saturn is still here. He’s perfectly fine. In fact, he gets a far better life than the one he had, sucking the life force out of everyone. Those are Saturn’s three stages.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica Im sorry but I do not provide those services, I can do a tarot reading for you but I am not trained in astrology I find it fascinating and I am learning as I go.... if you want an analysis of your situation I strongly recommend , she is very good and will be able to tell you what you need to her videos they are very imformative, Take care I hope you find the answers you need.


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