Skyroam Coupon Code - TRAVELSPIRIT

Skyroam Coupon Code - TRAVELSPIRIT
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Persephone was so lovely Hades could not resist her, he cracked open the Earth and took her to reign as goddess of the underworld with him.  Her mother, Demeter, goddess of the Earth and harvest crossed the land searching for her daughter.
Broken-hearted and grieving, Demeter let the harvests cease, and plants of the Earth began to wither and die.
Furious, Zeus (Jupiter) sent Hermes (Mercury) with a message forcing Hades (Pluto) to release Persephone to her mother, but Persephone, eating of a pomegranate from Hades, was bound to him and the underworld by fate for one- third of the year.  (These 3 planets are presently forming the grand Earth -manifestation- trine)  While Persephone spent time in the underworld, Demeter refused to let the fruits of the Earth grow, and winter began.

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