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Monday, May 21, 2012

Dolores Cannon

Dolores' career as a hypnotherapist spans almost 50 years and has taken her on an incredible journey along countless fascinating destinations.

Her early work was heavily focused on reincarnation, which got her acquainted and comfortable with the concept of time travel. Many of her early clients described scenes from past lives where they had lived in past decades, past centuries and evenpast millennia in a variety of social settings in different locations all over the Earth.

Throughout the evolution of her career, a reoccurring theme is for Dolores to reach a "comfort zone" in understanding regarding a particular area, then for a new concept to be introduced to her by The Subconscious which often completely challenges her belief system and forces her to expand her way of thinking. An example of such an occurrence was when the Subconscious put forth the idea that time does not really exist as man identifies it.

She set up her own publishing company, Ozark Mountain Publishing, in 1992 which now publishes more than 50 authors on 4 continents.Dolores' books have been translated into more than twenty languages.

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