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Friday, March 2, 2012

Chiron and Chariklo

Sun and Psyche: Find your faith in yourself
Posted on March 1, 2012 by Planet Waves
Note, here is the Small World Stories entry on Chariklo.

Have you ever been in a situation where, say, someone with a great deal of influence in your life was undermining your confidence? And did it occur to you that ultimately you were the one responsible for letting them act out your insecurity — and letting it affect you? It’s one possible illustration of how relational energy can play out, in this case suggested by a particular opposition in astrology. With any opposition, we perceive tension or conflict as being outside of ourselves, between us and another person. But really, if we ask the right questions, we can follow the thread into ourselves – and the answers we find may change the game.

There are actually several points in the mid-mutable signs. The Sun's exact aspects to Psyche and Chariklo bring out their nature.
The Pisces Sun is making an opposition to the asteroid Psyche in mid-Virgo. (This is also where retrograde Mars will also be in a few days; stop and think if you feel provoked.) Sun-Psyche speaks of a loss of faith in oneself – and perhaps the perception (ultimately false) that this faith cannot be reclaimed.

For example, it can be a dicey situation to allow yourself to be surrounded by insecure people even if you tend to be confident, because that choice of companions can begin to undermine your perception of yourself. Another permutation could be that a confident person who surrounds himself with insecure people is showing himself not to be confident at all, based on who he hangs out with. That is, the company he keeps tells a different story from the one he tells himself as being ‘a confident person’.

Extrapolate this into intimate, one-on-one relationships. If there is a deep, old wound to one’s sense of self, confidence or self-esteem, it can be easy for that to get played out in relationship after relationship. It becomes a pattern. And here’s where the Sun-Psyche opposition gets even more interesting: another minor planet called Chariklo is making a square from mid-Sagittarius to both Sun and Psyche. Chariklo in myth was the nymph-wife of the centaur Chiron. Though not a centaur herself, the astronomical body bearing her name is a centaur planet in deference to her relationship to Chiron. Chariklo was strikingly devoted, all through Chiron’s long phase of being wounded and subsequent choice to make a deal with the gods to transcend his suffering and die. One of the key themes of Chariklo in astrology is devotion.

So with Chariklo in aspect to a Sun-Psyche opposition, there is a question of what a person may be devoted to right now. And the fact that it is a square indicates a more internally-felt tension around this devotion, one that some sort of action may resolve. By any chance are you perpetuating a pattern that does not serve you? Maybe you’re devoted to a situation in which, once you’re able to recognize dysfunction and name it, you can start making decisions. With that, things may start looking — nd being — functional.

This same message is coming through a number of ways right now. For one, Venus opposite Saturn is asking us to consider how our relationships are structured and whether they serve us (or our partner). There is the question of your inner experience of the situation – and whether a shift in your conception or perception of the relationship is actually what needs to change. That could be all it takes to create the space needed to step out of codependency or rigidity and start living in a healthier relationship space. It’s about taking responsibility for yourself as you relate to another. First, you have to see how you relate to yourself.

Also note that Mercury is conjunct Vesta (Mercury enters Aries Friday, and the conjunction is exact Tuesday). Mercury and Vesta in Aries ask: What do you think you have to sacrifice? If the answer seems to be ‘your power’, ‘your self-determination’, ‘your confidence’ or anything along those lines, take a step back and reconsider. Be aware of all your interpersonal transactions in these days. There is the potential for some very solid ground

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