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Monday, February 27, 2012

Lessons of Saturn

  • Investigate Saturn's story. Saturn teaches and his lessons can last a lifetime, or, if you are so inclined, across many lifetimes. Under Saturn's influences, the astrological sign in Saturn and the house in which Saturn resides, you come to experience that your journey, however well-accompanied you are, is a solitary one, with your integrity and destiny at stake. When meditated on, you realize that this is not harsh news. Who besides you would you put in charge of your destiny?

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    Look to Saturn's role as teacher and make peace with his central emphasis. You must develop self-discipline. The areas in which that needs to be cultivated, where you will be most challenged, are determined by the personality of the sign in Saturn and the life areas addressed by the house where Saturn is situated. So, Saturn in Libra in the Seventh House will likely find you challenged to strike balance and find justice in intimate relationships

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    Assess your emotional life when it is at its nadir. Do you tend toward depression, especially in areas that are outlined by Saturn's position and sign? Is there a level of bleakness and lack of promise? These are areas through which Saturn is intent to guide you through toward what will invigorate you and bring you fulfillment

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    Interpret the meaning of Saturn in retrograde, which always emphasizes the opposite of what a planet teaches. Whereas Saturn teaches through experiences of negative self-esteem through which you must find integrity, Saturn retrograde will bring strength of character and steady emotional values in the areas addressed by Saturn's position and sign.

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    Ask yourself the hard questions. In what areas do you depend on others, rather than establishing an independent spirit? Where has lack of inner focus and drive caused repeated troubles and unhappiness in your life? In what ways do you find it difficult, if not impossible, to imagine and have faith in a more fulfilling future

  • Read more: How to Interpret the Meaning of Saturn in Karmic Astrology |

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