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Sunday, February 12, 2012

"Time Wandering’–living “some-when”

If your thoughts are stuck and you can’t see the next logical step, you might be doing a little ‘Time Wandering’–living “some-when” other than the present moment. Here’s a short quiz to find out when you’re often living:
•    Have you ever found yourself back in frustrating situations that are eerily similar to your past and make you feel powerless?
•    Does your mind often wander to past relationships or old frustrations or “failures”?
•    Do you ever run scenarios in your mind about conversations you’ve had with someone or are about to have with them, taking your attention off, say, driving your car?
•    Have you ever found yourself sitting in a meeting and running through scenarios that have nothing to do with your surroundings?
•    Do you sometimes find yourself anticipating the worst to happen, just like it once did in your past experience? (I.e. He/She will leave me, just like the others.)
•    When you’re frustrated with something in your life, do you tend to focus on your past or future rather than deal with your current emotions and experience?
If you answered yes to any of these questions (and I don’t have to be psychic to suspect you had at least one yes!), it’s a sign of being “some-when else.” And, when you’re some-when other than the present, you are never in the now.
Remember, now is where all your power is to shape your Map—past, present and future!

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