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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


In this beautiful but somber painting, artist Frederic Leighton has depicted the Greek heroine Nausicaa. The story of Nausicaa appears in the Odyssey of Homer. In this epic poem, Nausicaa and Odysseus (the hero of the tale) meet and have a brief but memorable encounter. And it is made clear in the tale that the handsome hero Odysseus has awakened the desires of the young woman.
In this image, Nausicaa is represented standing against a wall, clad in garments inspired by ancient Greek art. The tones of the painting are muted, and the setting is simple. The lovely girl is portrayed with a pensive, perhaps wistful, expression.
One of the most striking things about this image is that it focuses solely on Nausicaa and her thoughts, rather than portraying the dramatic scene when she and Odysseus encounter each other for the first time. This emphasis on Nausicaa alone allows the viewer to appreciate the subtle beauty - and haunting story - of this compelling Greek figure.

Nausicaa in Myth
The story of the Greek heroine Nausicaa is told eloquently in the Odyssey of Homer. In this epic, she is the daughter of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians.
In the Odyssey, there is a scene in which Odysseus reaches the land of the Phaeacians. While he sleeps, the goddess Athena (who, incidentally, favored the hero Odysseus and acted as his divine protector) visits the young princess of this land, Nausicaa. This moment is beautifully described in the Odyssey:

"...on this night the goddess, grey-eyed Athena,
entered the palace of Alcinous
to make sure of Odysseus' voyage home.
She took her way to a painted bedchamber
where a young girl lay fast asleep - so fine
in mould and feature that she seemed a goddess -
the daughter of Alcinous, Nausicaa.
One either side, as Graces might have slept,
her maids were sleeping. The bright doors were shut,
but like a sudden stir of wind, Athena
moved to the bedside of the girl, and grew
visible as the shipman Dymas' daughter,
a girl the princess' age, and her dear friend."
Athena, in the disguise of a young girl, tells Nausicaa to assist her maids in the washing of clothing the next morning. Nausicaa complies. While she and her companions are at the river, they engage in a game of ball, the noise of which rouses the hero Odysseus from his slumber. All of the other girls are terrified by the sight of the hero - all except the noble Nausicaa. Nausicaa demonstrates her bravery (no doubt bolstered by the goddess Athena) and offers Odysseus food and clothing. Ultimately, the beauty and charm of the princess represent another of the many temptations that Odysseus encounters on his long journey home

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