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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Full moon in Cancer 19 January 2011 at 4.22pm EST 1.22pm PST and 9.22pm GMT

I cannot explain why but this feels like an incredibly special Full Moon. It is not an eclipse or a Super Moon but it is sending very spiritual vibrations. It is the 4th Full Moon at the 29th degree of its sign and speaks of the need for completion. This cycle of Lunations at the 29th degree began on Oct 22 with the Moon in Aries. The question was who are you? Who are you really? Then the Full Moon in Taurus on Nov 21 asked what do you truly value and how does it nourish your Soul. On Dec 21 the Lunar Eclipse, the red Moon, asked what do you really believe and are you living your truth. And now this Cancer Full Moon is asking are you ready to step onto your Spiritual Destiny/Soul Purpose Path? If the answer is yes it will require a letting go of the old way.
Our final Full Moon in this series is on Feb 18 at 29 degrees of Leo. The theme will be courage of your convictions, acknowledging the strength within, courage to be yourself, and acknowledging your connection to Source. This is also a Super Full Moon when Luna is closer to the Earth than usual. It is the first of 3 Super Moons; the next ones are March 19 and April 17. So for the next few months “expect the unexpected” and just learn to go with the flow. Whatever is happening know you are always supported by Creator and Great Mystery.
Our lovely Luna is very powerful when visiting the signs of Taurus, her exaltation, and Virgo, her Soul Centered sign. But in the sign of Cancer she is at home and emphasizes our roots, origins, and our link to our ancestral tribe. She stirs emotions and the need to belong. She symbolizes the home we grew up in, our family, particularly the nurturing parent, the home and family we have created for ourselves and our need for connection. At this Full Moon the Sun in Capricorn also focuses on the family but also career and our status in the world. Many people define themselves by their success in their chosen occupations. That is on the physical/material plane.
On the metaphysical plane the Moon in Cancer is the Great Universal Mother, the Goddess of a thousand names. She nurtures and nourishes our spirits, deepens our intuitive knowing, and guides us as we walk our Destiny Path. She teaches us to listen to the Divine Wisdom that lies deep within. At this Full Moon the Sun in Capricorn is asking us to identify our Soul Purpose and live it. What that means is to be fully conscious and make choices form your compassionate heart as you interact with important others in your life and the world.
The astrological symbol for Cancer is the Crab. This crustacean is a symbol for sensitivity, self protection, and hanging on to the past. These are all Cancerian characteristics and emotional lessons. The ancient symbols for this sign are the Scarab Beetle, the sacredness of life, and the Turtle, representing Mother Earth. The native Animal Totem is the Flicker, a member of the Woodpecker family. Its cycle of power is new rhythms of growth, healing, and love coming into your life. Flicker is also a symbol for transition and transformation. In nature the Flicker is in the process of changing from life in the trees to living on the ground. It is an indicator of a new path of spiritual growth.                              

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