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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Twin flame relationships

Since many soul-mate connections are also quite compelling, familiar, and strong, how do you know whether you’ve really found your “partner of ultimate destiny” or twin flame? Listed below are some of the attributes of a twin flame relationship:

1.You had dreams or visions of this person and/or your energetic relationship before ever meeting in this lifetime.

2.your partner felt like “coming home” to a familiar, long-lost energy. After meeting, you had “memories” of other times and places with that person that are not part of this life experience so far.

3.Your partner mirrors your own issues, concerns, and imbalances, but you also complement each other’s skill sets, talents, and capacities. You are the ultimate embodiment of yin/yang.

4.At least one partner is of higher frequency, possibly a First Waver, Indigo, and/or Crystal, or is genetically related to one.

5.You may be of different ages, the same or opposite sex, vastly different backgrounds, “opposing” religions or cultures, but you feel an incredible unity or incomparable sense of oneness with your partner.

6.You feel each other’s symptoms, illnesses, and emotions even when you are not near each other or in communication.

7.Your functioning is impaired or much less optimal when you are apart from your twin flame. It physically and mentally hurts when you are not together.

8.When you are with your partner and the relationship is in balance, you become stronger, more powerful, and more capable than you have ever felt. You feel united in a mission or “calling” to serve others and the world.

9.Your unconditional love for your partner is like no other. Your partner is likely to have a certain habit, quality, or “baggage” that would be a deal-breaker for you in any other relationship. However, you overlook it or willingly work through it with this partner– no matter what it takes.

10.You met your partner when one or both of you were in other relationships or otherwise “unavailable.” It’s likely that you met when and where you were least consciously expecting it.

11. Either you or your partner feared the power of the twin flame connection and ran from the relationship so as not to feel overwhelmed and/or vulnerable. Years may go by before you are both in the “place” to finally commit fully to the relationship.

12.The partner who ran from the twin flame relationship finally “wakes up” and realizes the significance. His or her “a-ha” moment comes as the result of a loss, illness, or other personal catastrophe. He or she then comes to terms with the fact that there is other person or priority more important than the twin partner.  

13.No matter how many times you break up or separate, forces seems to bring you back together. You see the “signs” and reminders of that twin connection everywhere, urging you back together.

14.Your relationship is characterized by extreme highs and lows, including passion and intense pain you’ve most likely never felt before.

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