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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Full Moon In Leo Hits Chiron

There’s a Full Moon on January 26th at 7 degrees Leo (depending on your time zone, you may feel it in the early hours of January 27th)

Leo is big, bold and entitled. However, the Moon will be hit by a painful inconjunct to Chiron (Wounded Healer) in Pisces. Inconjuncts connect what’s incompatible, and demand adjustments. Leo shouts “Look at me!” Pisces whispers “It’s not really about me…”
Full Moons are energy that’s peaking, so this will be intense. 7 degrees Leo in your chart is where you may push for recognition. Something’s been building and you’ll want your share. But 7 degrees Pisces is where you’ll simultaneously shrink back from being recognized. Or, you’ll undermine yourself (or be undermined) when recognition comes your way. This could be the Moon that reveals how you handle (or feel hurt by) someone else’s success.  It’s a slippery combination, and there’s no clear winner on how to deal.
Best advice is this: don’t overdo it. Consider what you truly deserve (Leo) but don’t push beyond it. On the other hand, don’t martyr yourself (Pisces) because you’re uncomfortable (Chiron) with success (yours or theirs). Egos will be dissolved, but needless sacrifices won’t get any gold stars either.
Those with planets/angles between 6-8 Pisces, Leo and Aquarius will feel this Moon strongly.

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