Skyroam Coupon Code - TRAVELSPIRIT

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

EquiSpiritus (breath of the horse)

The concept behind EquiSpiritus ("breath of the horse") is remarkably simple. It is inspired by the connectedness humans have with all living creatures. When we relate with animals, honoring them in their wisdom and oneness with us, we are relying on our spirit rather than our ego to guide us. The "EquiSpiritus Way" is an intuitive process by which human and horse connect in the "now." It honors the language of the horse and seeks to create a more symbiotic connection between horses and their humans. It requires us to understand the highly sensitive and deeply intuitive nature of the horse, a "prey" herd animal who's very survival depends on their ability to be fully "present" at all times and sensitive to the energy of all living creatures, humans and predators alike.

This conscious connection teaches us that it is possible to live fully in the "now" as horses do, quietly creating a lasting and respectful relationship with an animal that outweighs us ten-fold! The only true request horses have for humans, is that we be completely congruent. That is, our emotional (inner) life must match the physical self we show them. A human who is smiling on the outside and fearful or sad on the inside is confusing to a horse, who reads all emotion simply as "energy".

Fortunately for humans, horses do not assign "good" or "bad" to particular emotions. To them, it is all energy or, "it is what it is." Authentically expressed and released, emotions like grief or joy will be met with a horse's sigh, a yawn or the offering of a neck for the human to cry into. Now that's relationship! In contrast, when we are less than completely congruent, horses will reflect back to us their displeasure by disengaging or simply use their "flight" response to move away from what is confusing and in their eyes, threatening to their safety.

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