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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lavender in Greece

In ancient Egypt and Greece, lavender was used as a perfume and ingredient in incense. In the Middle Ages, it was considered an aphrodisiac. (It was also believed that a sprinkling of lavender on the head of a loved one would keep that person chaste—which seems to fly in the face of its purported aphrodisiac properties!) Touted as well as a cure for lice, toothaches and headaches, lavender was considered quite the all-purpose herb. It was even thought to tame lions and tigers.
Reading through lavender lore, one is less likely to find mention of its culinary use, although it's said that Queen Elizabeth I savoured lavender conserve and a lavender tisane (a herbal infusion sweetened with honey) made from plants grown at her palace. The classic herb mixture Herbes de Provence often includes lavender, as well as rosemary, thyme and bay leaf. It's doubtful, though, that many cookbooks before the 1980s mentioned lavender as a culinary herb. But it's now found in recipes for sweet dishes, infusing them with a citrusy bite, and in savoury dishes, offering a soft hint of flavour similar to rosemary or marjoram.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic article.. Keep it up..great to know about lavender was used as a perfume thanks for shareing with us


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