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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

LEO 2010 ~ Attracting All That You Need, Desire & Deserve

As you allow both Spirit & ego to co-exist, assigning them both tasks best suited to their skills (and nature), you will discover your authentic Self. Sometimes we don't allow the authenticity that would enable us to create fulfilling lives. Be authentic - by any means necessary. You can and will survive all the humiliations and defeats and ultimately emerge stronger! Children are the manifestation of a certain conflict (men/women) being handled creatively (coming together in harmony). Stress and strife are just as necessary as peace and tranquility. Accept all of it as part of living on the earth plane. No matter how spiritually committed or selflessly loving we attempt to become, our natures don't die. Practice honoring your true nature.
 Do not shy away from your intuition just because you want to avoid conflict. Follow your feeling all the way and then consciously decide how to proceed. If you back off, chastising your Self for some natural impulse (to have things a certain way), you stop any possibility for peaceful resolution within. You usually only get one opportunity to respond to life's challenges (the first time) with any integrity. Any chance for resolution after your initial reaction, disintegrates as time goes on. Honor the vital force within (your nature) and it won't destroy you. Dishonor it and it will eat you alive.
You can have peace, by your own definition. Sometimes you have to lose something precious to you (sometimes it is a part of ourselves that must go) in order to redefine your true values. When you go through that kind of loss, it can make you question all your beliefs and any faith in your Self to make decisions for your Self. That's okay - that is part of it. All that you need, desire and deserve is ALWAYS PROVIDED!! whether you can see it at the time or not.
Take advantage of this time to:
Re-View ~
your life (from a Higher vantage point)
Re-Assess ~ your plan (what needs tweaking?)
Re-Consider ~ your options (you have more than you think)
Re-Evaluate ~ your philosophies, beliefs and what you hold to be true (in the present moment)
Re-Connect ~ with your intuition (open the channels)
Re-Form ~ your being (from the inside out)
Re-Write ~ your personal story (of the upcoming 12 yrs)
Re-New ~ your sense of Self (at this Higher level of consciousness)

Use this time to re-search your life for any major cracks in your foundation - any instability - any blockages - any festering wounds - any excess baggage - now is your opportunity to RELEASE IT ALL ... PERMANENTLY!! 

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