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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Don't get mad its not good for you health

Dont get mad its not good for your health !!!

When angered or provoked, Mars in Taurus will manifest as a disturbance in the biochemical cell salt of Natrum Sulphate. Nat. Sulph. eliminates excess water from the body. It is a natural diuretic. When the weather is hot and humid, as it is now, this moisture enters the blood stream through the lungs. Our blood becomes overcharged with water from the atmosphere more than from the water that we drink. When we become angered, intolerant or “swallow our words,” excess water will accumulate and edema occurs.
Sodium Sulphate works with the fluids of the body and it is essential for the digestive process. The bile of the liver, the pancreatic juices and the secretions of the kidneys are dependent upon this cell salt. A sluggish liver can make us slow, tired and fatigued when getting up in the morning. When the digestive organs are not functioning optimally, sore throats and colds can occur.

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