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Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The word "astrology" is a Greek word that means "Science of the Stars." Astrology was used by the Chaldeans who lived in Babylon as early as 3000 BC. The people of China in Asia later became interested and began practicing Astrology .
It is said that these people first noticed how the position of the sun influenced the seasons as well as the planting cycles of their agricultural practices.Then, somewhere in the year of 500 BC, philosopher Plato used Astrology and studied it further. This kept it alive, and it continued to spread on through the ages. 

However, it took a downturn when Galileo Galilei was the first astronomer to use a telescope in the 1500's. However, as time went by, astronomy once again took an upswing in popularity when it flourished in Egypt around the years of 300 BC. Then, during the Middle Ages, the practice of astrology quietly hid itself as the Christian Church became the predominent leading voice of the new world. It wasn't until the 1600's when an astrologer named William Lilly renamed astrology as being "Christian Astrology" in order to avoid the wrath of the Church and to make it more acceptable. This was instrumental in popularizing astrology and horoscopes of today.

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