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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fellow Virgoans

Light RainbowCollapse
Greeting fellow Virgoans - I feel your frustration, however i wish to confirm that depending on where you are in your life cycle, the coming year is going to make a huge difference to all people and in fact all life... we are at a crossroad now determining the very existence or extinction of life as we know it, our world and all the life forces contained in it, my life has been spinning in the vortex like the rest of you and it appears that it is going to get faster still, my advice is hold on, stay positive, look for the lessons in your experiences and learn them if you dont wish to repeat the pain, and if you do repeat them then change the response within you to alter the outcome and you will have graduated at least to the next level challenge, I wish you all love, life, light and fearlessness as we face our uncertain future together.....let us be the change that is required and lead by example as we were born to do xoxoxox

VirgoVirgo Horoscope (August 23 - September 22)
Mutable Earth. Your ruling planet is Mercury.

The roller-coaster ride continues, Virgo, and might be getting even wilder with this spring season. You are in the midst of important and far-reaching cycle of personal evolution, and it is vital that you recognize the magnitude of the changes coming down. Equally, you must not give in to imagining fearful scenarios, instead finding a way to trust in the capacity of the surrounding cosmos to take care of you no matter what. Partners have a lot to do with this. There is a complex interaction that taking place for you there, including idealization and perhaps illusion; it is tempting to put them on a pedestal. Relating to a significant other, one that after all cannot be completely controlled, is potentially scary, but could also prove to be a blessing.

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